Angels Camp, UPUD and Utica Receive nearly $600,000 in Grant Funding

March 30, 2021
Joint press release from the Union Public Utility District, City of Angels Camp and Utica Water and Power Authority
For immediate release March 29, 2021
The Union Public Utility District (UPUD), City of Angels Camp (COA) and Utica Water and Power Authority (Utica) are pleased to announce that the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) awarded the agencies $590,000 in grant funding through the Community Power Resiliency Grants Program in mid-March. COA, UPUD and Utica are all part of a Joint Powers Authority (JPA).
This purpose of this grant is to help cities and special districts take measures to keep critical systems and services operational during power outages. This is a 100% grant, with no local match required and funds must be spent by October 2021.
COA will use the funds to purchase and install three backup generators, including one for the City’s fleet vehicle fueling station (police, fire, public works), the second for the City’s Water Treatment Plant and the third for the Sierra Hope Food Bank.
UPUD will purchase three backup generators, including one for its administration/system controls building, the second for its maintenance shop / chlorine dose station on Sheep Ranch Road and a third for its remote chlorine dose station on Redhill Road.
Utica will purchase three backup generators, including one to power a water flow control gate valve at the Murphys Afterbay, the second to backup spillway gate controls at Hunters Reservoir in Avery, and the third for a trailer-mounted generator that all JPA members can use. New and upgraded emergency communications equipment will also be purchased.
COA, UPUD and Utica are grateful to Cal OES for providing these grant funds and look forward to installing the equipment as soon as possible, to help critical services operational during the upcoming fire season and expected Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) season. More information can be found at, and