Water: Our Gold
UPUD's Video Premiere

The Union Public Utility District (UPUD), City of Angels (COA), and Utica Water and Power Authority (Utica) invite the community to attend a free video premiere of “Water: Our Gold” at 6 p.m. Thursday May 4 at the Ironstone Vineyards Music Room. This video tells the fascinating, 170-year story of our community’s water supply dating back to the Gold Rush. Residents of Murphys, Douglas Flat, Vallecito, and Angels Camp will be amazed at the incredible journey their water takes from the Sierra Nevada to their taps. In addition to the video premiere, UPUD will present a history of its water system, a high-level educational overview of water rights will be presented, and attendees will get a behind-the-scenes look at how Utica staff manages storm flows.
This is a free event, but space is limited. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to UPUD by filling out this webform, emailing customerservice@upudwater.org, or calling 209-728-3651.
We look forward to seeing you May 4 for a great evening!